Would you enjoy seeing your original artwork connected to an uplifting movement?
Karen Garvey’s seminars launch attendees and viewers to experience the world in a more positive and empowered way. You are invited to create and submit an original design centered around the theme of a WORLD FLAG, unifying all people, for use in promoting the positive themes connected with these seminars and Karen Garvey’s work.
Your entry may be created with any art medium or multi-media; however, the artwork must be reproducible as 2-dimensional image (flag). The winning selection from the Art Contest will be used to market YOU AND IMPROVED, a seminar to positively redesign our relationship with the new decade, with ourselves, and in the world, as well as promoting the positive theme of unity.
Promotions will take place from February 2020 through April 2020 across social media platforms and attendee giveaways. The winning submittal will be revealed at YOU AND IMPROVED on April 26, 2020 in Deer Park, New York. Optionally, we will assist in the sale of your original artwork at the event with you receiving 100% of the proceeds.
2020 Art Submission Guidelines - Intent, LLC.
1. The Work Must Be Original
You must be the sole creator of the art you submit to the competition. Upon submitting your work to this competition, you are solely responsible for any infringement on copyrighted materials.
2. The artwork should reflect the theme of WORLD FLAG / UNITY
Any art medium or multiple media may be used to create the artwork.
3. Repeat Entries
Multiple submission may be made by the same artist for different works. There is no restriction on entering art that has been entered to previous competitions.
4. Copyright
The artist retains all copyrights to their artwork without exception.
5. Non-exclusive Permissions
By entering this art competition, you are granting INTENT, LLC a non-exclusive perpetual license to reproduce images of your artwork in our promotions, marketing, websites, and giveaways to the general public. Artworks will not be used for purposes other than those stated here and artist will be credited.
6. The Entry Process
File Sizes and Formats: The artwork should depict a flag with dimensions of 3’ L x 5’ W (36 inches by 60 inches) .25-inch bleed at 150 dpi. For submittal, reduce file size to less than 1MB. The acceptable file formats are: jpg, .pdf, and .png.
Submit each entry separately by using the "Choose File" and then "Submit" buttons provided here.
Should your artwork be selected as a winner in this contest, you will be required to submit the original as a high-resolution file in Photoshop, PNG, PDF, or JPEG formats, not exceeding 15MB via Dropbox. Original artwork need not be shipped or delivered.
7. Submission Deadline
Artworks may be submitted until midnight Eastern Standard Time on Sunday, March 28, 2020. No artworks will be accepted past the deadline
8. Winner Selection
All artwork received will be submitted for a public vote. The four artworks with the greatest number of votes will be reviewed by a panel from INTENT, LLC, who will select the winner based on originality, usability for marketing, and expression of the theme. The entry selected will be announced on April 26th as the WINNER.
9. Sale of Winning Artwork
We will provide for the voluntary / optional sale of your original artwork at Karen Garvey’s seminar, YOU AND IMPROVED, on April 26, 2020 in Deer Park, NY with all proceeds going to the artist.
Please direct all questions to Striker@KarenGarvey.com.