Are you imperfect? Is your husband? Your daughter?
Your boss? Your lover? Your clergyman? Your neighbor? The answer is “yes,” a firm and quick “yes.” Deep down, all people are obviously imperfect. Including you. And that’s a good thing. Imperfection is the most unifying element that captures every single human on earth - for once, an undeniable commonality!

All souls, on and off earth, are imperfect. A state of absolute perfection does not exist and for one primary reason (aside from its state being terribly boring). There is no collectively agreed upon definition of success. There is no one description that all souls have determined to entirely encompass the elements of perfection. Think about it. What would be on the list? Physical attributes? What comprises a physically perfect human? Far-set eyes? Eyes close together? Blue, brown, hazel? What about height? Skin tone? Muscle density? Weight? Thigh diameter? Is there a standard?
What about personal traits? Self-deprecating? Humble? Bold? Humorous? Smart? Book smart or intelligence smart? Street smart or education smart? Adventurous? Adventurously cautious? Easy-going? Compassionate? Quiet?
This examination could continue endlessly, reviewing other factors such as educational background, temperament, level of responsibility, outlook, accomplishments, and so on. Yet many on earth are continually striving for perfection – their abstract pursuit of the essential qualities that, once attained, will lead to everlasting happiness. Most people who set to achieve this standard are not even aware of what their standard is. How can one achieve that which is unknown?
Stop pursuing perfection. It seems logical that I should now recite the normal “accept yourself” suggestions, but this essay will assume you know that there’s great benefit in accepting yourself as you are while engaging in never-ending self-improvement. Yes, love yourself. Yes, forgive yourself your perceived flaws and limitations. Yes, forgive yourself your supposed wrong-doings. But also recognize that your pursuit of perfection is really a pursuit of happiness. And happiness comes through tools that have little correlation to the level of perfection of a human being.
What is the pathway to happiness? I’m going to state a broad set of parameters that typically lead to happiness. Each is worth exploring individually and integrating into your personal life. Try to evaluate which are the elements that have most eluded you until now and focus on increasing your understanding of those. Since each item has had countless books, philosophies, movies, and experts illuminating the factors and ideals involved, it is impossible to jump into mastery of all at once. Instead, use this list as a general backdrop for guiding your achievement of happiness.
1. Understand that all souls create their reality through their thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions.
2. Seek freedom. You may live in a free nation, but you are not free until you think independently and discover your own self-imposed boundaries, and then choose which boundaries provide value to you.
3. Eliminate (at least lessen) judgment of yourself and others. When you accept your own imperfections, you can more easily accept the imperfections of others. This item is beyond essential for true happiness.
4. Follow your interests, your passions, your “pulls,” and your intuition. Off earth you understood that the ideas, souls, and events that piqued your curiosity were worth pursuing.
5. Examine and correct your limiting beliefs. (ie: We only experience negative side effects of a declining economy if we believe we will experience negative consequences.)
6. Integrate the notion that there is nothing random. Use your happenings to interpret the metaphoric messages that are prodding you to a better direction.
7. Let go. Just be. Go with the flow. Stop resisting. Understand that the universe wants to provide you with all you desire and WILL if you can surrender in combination with the belief that it is possible.
8. Define what you want and find a way to consistently and joyfully let the universe know what it is.
As I said, this list is broad. You can probably think of a million more “things” that will lead to happiness, but I attest to the fact that anything you think of falls within these eight guidelines or is not essential to happiness. For example, “helping others.” Helping others, believe it or not, does not bring joy to every person. On the other hand, helping others brings great joy to many. It is also a natural extension of happiness for most people. Being happy quite often triggers an altruistic desire to be of value to others experiencing less happiness.
To continue with this example, if you feel certain that helping others will contribute to your happiness – include it in number eight.
Of course, as Karen’s guides, we value her ability to assist others in the pursuit of happiness and she has experienced a great quantity of successes with clients whose happiness has increased beyond, perhaps, even their own imaginations. It is possible! It is possible to be consistently happy! You can do it.